Thursday, January 6, 2005

Channel Seven news does Dylan's story - BM aspiration today

At 7am we had a phone call from Channel 7 news, this was a great surprise to wake up to. They came and did a story on our campaign to save Dylan which aired at 6pm tonight. It came out wonderfully. Unfortunately there was not enough time to show the rest of the hour long footage they did on Dylan. It was tough though. Dylan heard what Tim and I said during our interviews and when it came time to interview the kids, Dylan said some pretty emotional and powerful stuff. He told them how much pain he was in when he was first diagnosed, and he told them that if he does not go to America, he will die. He also said that he wants to get well and does not want to die. I broke down as he said this, and then Cain totally lost it. He could not even bring himself to speak with them. I try to hide the aspect of dying from Dylan, but when reality hits, I know that if we do not get him the treatment in the U.S and he starts to become more sick and he does not get medicine from the hospital anymore…then he will know anyway, how could he not. We also had an appearance in the Local paper a few days ago as well.

Dylan went to hospital today for his bone marrow aspirate and it all went very well. We got home at about 6pm, just in time to watch the news. I got hold of the CT scans that he had last week and to be it looked clearer with more reduction in his abdomen, but I am not a doctor, so I don’t know for sure and no one explains them to me. Hopefully MSKCC can shed light on the full extent of his condition.

A fantastic Team of parents and Teacher’s from Dylan’s school are well on the way with organizing “Dylan’s Fun Day Out” fete and have produced fantastic flyers and posters. If anyone has suggestions of wants to run a stall, please contact Leanne via her email