Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Consent forms signed

Dylan had his MIBG scan today as well as his bone marrow aspirations. I couldn’t see the scan today as the radiologist was new and she didn’t have it up on the screen for me to see so I have no idea on what it looked like, but I know that if there was any progression of disease, the doctors would have told me straight away. So the result is either stable (the same) or decreased. I am also waiting for the CT and urine test results. Dylan started up on GCSF injections again today as his counts are dropping again, which means his platelets will also drop from the GCSF, it’s a vicious circle. I signed the consent forms today for the “hot 3F8” therapy protocol 06-072 Combination of targeted 131 I-3F8- mediated radioimmunotherapy and bevacizumab: phase I study. The date is set for Halloween, 31st October. Dylan will have his radiation simulation appointment on Monday in preparation for regular radiation either after the first round of “hot 3F8” or after the whole 4 rounds, depending on how he responds. On Tuesday he will have an ECHO test ready for therapy as well, then more blood work to check his thyroid on Friday with the anticipation of being admitted on Monday 30th ready for therapy on the Tuesday 31st. He should only be “hot” (radioactive) for the first 24 hours, so he should be discharged on Wednesday 1st November. I am very excited, but a little nervous about the severe pain he will experience with the 3F8 component, although knowing Dylan he will suck it all in and brave through it well. Dylan kind of knows what is going to happen, but I guess you never really know until you go through it. Now I have to break the news to him that he will be unable to go trick or treating Halloween night, but I will let him dress up over the weekend and plan with the other parents for him to go trick or treating to a few rooms in the house.