Thursday, July 21, 2005

TPN ceased

Dylan stopped TPN yesterday because his Liver function is elevated. I have started him on Megace appetite stimulant with the hope that he will start eating again and not loose too much weight. Dylan is in clinic now having more blood tests to check his liver and also a hepatitis test. I guess after so many blood and platelet transfusions, he is at risk of picking up these things. It is all likely to be due to the TPN, his MIBG scan, last week, showed that his liver is completely clear of neuroblastoma. The weather here in New York is very hot and humid so we have remained in doors apart from hospital visits, so nothing really new and interesting to tell everyone. It is so fantastic just to be together as a family again, I just can’t describe how I feel. Yesterday at hospital, one of the nurses couldn’t believe how Dylan was running around the clinic so happy and playing. I explained that Daddy and Cain are here and that is the best medicine of all! Usually Dylan stays in his stroller or wheelchair when we are at clinic, and usually is sleeping, but not when Daddy and Cain are here.