Saturday, January 1, 2005

Discharged from hospital - Media not interested in Dylan's campaign

Dylan was discharged from hospital today, YAHOO!!! He is 100 percent today, it must have been the low magnesium that made him so flat. We continue to give him oral doses of magnesium and he will have a blood test on Tuesday to check on what the levels are. On Thursday he will go back to hospital for his bone marrow aspiration, but hopefully that will only be a day visit. His cousins came over this afternoon and he was so full of energy and life, it was so great to see him back to his old self. It’s almost midnight and he is still up playing games with his brother Cain.

I hate feeling selfish and I really do feel for the people involved in the disasters overseas but the problem is that with the whole Tsunami thing, we will not be able to get any media coverage to help our campaign. How can we possibly compete with the world’s worst natural disaster in history? I can’t help thinking that God has really gone to great lengths to make this the toughest challenge possible! Reality is, Dylan is a drop in the ocean compared to this. How is a 6 year old little Australian boy with cancer going to get on the news now? Yes, I am getting panicky, I am getting frustrated and I am feeling so helpless. My instincts tell me to save my son at all costs, but I struggle to so hard to find the resources. It’s just so wrong that his life has all come down to money. I received an email directly from the oncologist at MSKCC, and I will speak with him Monday night to discuss treatment plans and dates of arrival. I have not got the courage to tell him that I am still trying to find the money, I feel I must at least get up to $200,000 U.S before we can even consider going. That will be about $280,000 Australian I think. Dylan keeps talking about going to America, I think he is looking forward to going now. I can never look into his big brown eyes and tell him mummy failed to get the money to make him better. I have to keep going, and I must maintain my determination to achieve this, I just have to look at him to regain my strength to continue. I just wish I could show the rest of the world his little face, and they too would want to save him.