Monday, July 24, 2006

Arsenic Trioxide starts

The first dose of Arsenic went well. We started at clinic at 8am, first off was a blood test to check Dylan electrolytes, potassium and magnesium levels in particular. Next, up to the 18th floor for an EKG at 9:15am. Back to the PDH clinic by 9:30am only to discover that although Dylan’s potassium and magnesium levels were satisfactory, they were not high enough for a required EKG reading for the protocol. So we waited for a potassium and magnesium infusion, we waited and waited while I went slightly insane from the constant cartoon network channel! Dylan was happy and amused though, so that’s what counts. By 3:30pm we were back up at EKG after the infusions then back to the PDH clinic. By 4pm the Arsenic infusion commenced and ran over 2 hours. No side effects or reactions…brilliant! Another EKG done by the bed side and out by 7pm. Phew an eleven hour day, dinner, bath and bed is now on the agenda. Tomorrow will hopefully be a little easier time wise, fingers crossed. The oral dosage of both the potassium and magnesium have now been increased. Dylan’s CBC (blood counts) is all still fine at this stage. Weight is now 18.9kg and height up to 119.6cm. The research scan was postponed until tomorrow as we were unable to make the 2pm time while having infusions.