Friday, December 9, 2005

Dylan has a cold

Love the SNOW!!! It’s not easy getting the stroller or wheelchair through it in the streets and crossing the gutter/kurb can be a very complicated procedure with large sludgy puddles but seeing the city covered in a white layer somehow makes up for it, if that makes sense?! Dylan came down with a bit of a cold yesterday, runny nose and a congested cough. This morning at clinic he had a chest x-ray just in case but it came back clear and his chest sounded clear to the doctor. A nasal swab was also taken and the doctor told me that isolation during next weeks treatment may be necessary. Since we have been back at the Ronald after clinic though, he seems so much better, the runny nose had stopped completely and the cough is not as frequent. Dylan’s platelets are still only 50 but the doctor said he will start the trial again on Monday regardless, possibly with a reduced dose of chemo though. The rest of his counts are great and his ANC is very high I think because of this cold he has. This weekend I will keep Dylan inside and out of the cold, thankfully our friend Paul from Team Continuum is entertaining Donna and Rose for their last weekend in New York, before they return back to Australia.